SEO Strategies That No Longer Work and That You Need to Retire in 2022

Search Engine Optimization is an ever-changing field. It keeps evolving at such a rate that it’s hard to stay on top of it. Because of this, it’s getting tougher and tougher to get your product or service to show up on the first page of Google for relevant keywords. If you’re not already using on-site and off-site SEO techniques, you should be. Most website owners don’t have a clue as to what they are doing to their sites that is hurting their site performance more than helping.

Outdated SEO strategies are either completely ineffective or they will actually cause search engines to punish you. This is an excellent article that will show you the very latest ways to use proven techniques to get more traffic to your website.  

The 4 Stupidest Things You Can Do to HURT Your SEO and How to Fix Them

1. Keyword Stuffing

Keywords are very important for SEO. They are the foundation upon which the rest of your website is built. Without them your site may as well not exist. Choosing the right keywords are vital to to target the right audience get your website on the first page of the major search engines. This is why you should spend a few hours per month learning more about your product or services, its benefits, how to position it in online searches and a zillion other important things to get the right keyword.

Anyway, one tactic that used to work (but doesn’t work so much these days) is the practice of “keyword stuffing.” In the old days, if someone was trying to rank high in a search engine for a particular keyword, they would put that keyword in multiple places in the copy (the words) of their website. 

This is wrong! Putting your keywords in the in every content of the page is like putting your money where your mouth is. If your website is not relevant to what the customer is looking for, or the content doesn’t make sense to the audience because of wrong grammar due to keyword stuffing, your user-engagement will affect negatively and will drop your site in your current ranking. Yes, that’s true! So, you must consider how frequently those words appear together in the titles, descriptions and in the content of your page.

2. Using Exact-Match Domains (EMD)

An exact-match domain (EMD) is a domain name in which you use the actual words of your targeted key phrase as opposed to a keyword or a phrase which merely suggests the words you are after. Here are the examples:

  • – KW: Home Appliance
  • – KW: Health Insurance

It doesn’t matter at all which URL you use for your website. What does matter is what your website is about and how well you convey that idea to the search engine spiders (aka, “crawling bots”).

It is true that exact-match domains don’t work as well as they used to. However, they still have a place and are sometimes the only option. The good news is that exact match domains can give better clues to what your website is about and, therefore, can help your users find the information they want.

The UGLY side in EMD

The fact that Google is discouraging exact match domains has more to do with people who are abusing them, than it does with the effectiveness of the tactic itself.

There are three bad things have happened since 2012:

1. The penalty for using EMDs for spam has become much more severe; (

2. In 2016, Amazon went “on the hunt” for websites that were using EMDs as spam, and they severely penalized those sites; and 

3. Since those three events, we’ve seen a dramatic increase in the amount of website traffic going to EMDs.

It’s not funny at all. It’s serious. When it comes to copywriting, there is no magic formula. There are no shortcuts. I was looking for “good” EMDs for the past two weeks without much luck either.

Whether you realize it or not, you already have the tools to create an amazing website. All you need to do is learn how to use them.

There isn’t? Ok, that’s good to know. However, it still might not be a good idea for you to use them unless you understand what they are and how they That’s why this tactic is called “disguised spam.” It’s very hard to detect because it looks like someone is trying to sell something to you.

3. Blog Commenting for Links (Spam Comments)

While blog commenting is often useless for link building, when used properly, it can potentially result in an increase in website traffic.

Blog comments can be a useful tool for link building. But only if you use them intelligently. Don’t ask people to post comments on your website that contain links to other websites.

This tactic is not only an effective way to get links from blogs it’s also a powerful long-term link building strategy that will pay huge dividends both in terms of traffic to your site and in the indexing of your site by Google.

I wouldn’t say it’s completely useless. While it may not result in immediate rank enhancement, it still carries considerable weight with Google and other search engines. However, even if your comment makes it through, any decent WordPress theme will add the rel=”nofollow” to links included within. As a consequence, search engines ignore them as ranking signals. As a consequence, they don’t achieve anything.

Blog commenting is one of the link building tactics that really isn’t worth the time and energy it takes to do. It might win you some fleeting initial goodwill from your website audience but it will almost certainly backfire on you later when your comments are discovered and used against you.

4. Abusing the “Exact Match Anchor Text” in your Linking Strategy

Most people are not aware of the fact that, in their quest for high rankings in organic search, many website owners are actually abusing the “exact match anchor text” (EMAST) in their links to such an extent it can hurt their websites. It is one of the most abused techniques, and it actually is a very poor technique.

Don’t overuse exact match anchor text in your linking strategy. Instead, try mixing it up with descriptive anchor text. Descriptive anchor text is more likely to be clicked on because the search engine will assume that you are trying to rank for long-tail keywords. If you overly use exact match anchor text, the assumption is that you are trying to manipulate the search engine to rank for exact matches. This is a bad assumption.

How should you develop an overall SEO strategy for your website?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most misunderstood yet most important parts of running a profitable website. Many website owners think they don’t need to pay attention to SEO, but that’s simply not true. Every single ranking factor (including the seemingly insignificant ones) affects your website’s performance. If you don’t pay attention to even one of those ranking factors, you could be leaving tons of money on the table. In this article, we’ll discuss what an overall SEO strategy should include and how you can implement it into your website.

The best SEO strategy is one that makes sense to you and your customers and is based on an understanding of what motivates your buyers. If you don’t have a clue about SEO, I suggest you spend some time reading material on the topic from SEO related sites like MOZ and Search Engine journal. Once you understand what an effective SEO strategy looks like, you’ll be able to craft a strategy that makes the most sense for your situation.


In conclusion, what used to work 10 years ago may not work now. Websites and online marketers need to constantly stay on top of the latest trends and changes in search engine algorithms. The good news is that there are many strategies that have stood the test of time and will continue to be effective for years to come. You just need to know about them.

If you would like to know which strategies will work for you, contact me at Let’s talk!

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